Obama the Leper Messiah and the Egyptian Endgame


The following article was written by Stanley Zir, author and founder of Never Again Is NOW and has been reprinted here.

Egypt, beyond Obama

Stanley Zir, author

“Last week the White House  called for the Egyptian military to surrender all power immediately to a  soon-to-be elected new civilian government.”  This White House statement  marks a shift from its more ambiguous positions in which it sought to  avoid publicly criticising the military regime that receives about  $1.3bn a year in aid from the US.

This  was due to a marked increase in pressure on the ruling generals. After  days of protests on Tahrir Square, swelling crowds chanted, “leave,  leave” and “the people want to bring down the field marshal,”  referencing military leader Mohamed Tantawi who assumed power from  Mubarak.

Washington  appears to have withdrawn its support for the army to retain a  significant political role after next week’s parliamentary elections.   In the past,  Washington  had condemned the violence only in broad terms, angering many Egyptians  by implying that the security forces and protesters were equally  responsible.  Our administration never publicly questioned the army’s  oversight of the process nor its plan to retain significant political  power for many months – possibly years to come ” click here  But  this time, even though the people in Tahrir Square do not trust  Ganzouri, a throwback to the Mubarak regime, the United States threw its  lot in with the new prime minister, Ganzouri, certain that Tantawi is  not intent on staying in power.

What  message is Obama trying to relay to the Egyptians as they go to the  polls? One of confidence? That he stands for a new, free Egypt? You’d  have a better chance of understanding his purpose by deciphering  hieroglyphics.  One moment Obama stands with the protesters, calling for  the Egyptian military to surrender all power immediately to a new  civilian government, and the next, he collaborates with the military,  saying the  new government must be empowered with sufficient authority  to smoothly transition to democracy.

Even though this may sound confusing,  Obama’s foreign policy follows a distinct pattern of behaviour when  dealing with the uprisings in the Islamic world. His commitment to give  support to those who are leading the uprising in the Arab Spring changes  in direct proportion to those who are guaranteed to win.

  • In  Egypt, it was only until Obama knew that Mubarak would fall, that he  announced to the world he was calling the people of Egypt to overthrow  their oppressor. In this case he was not willing to support the  perceived victim until the outcome appeared guaranteed.

What  he never commits to is a policy that insists that a constitutional  government be implemented that opposes Islamic tyranny, even if it is  not the will of the victors. Obama manages to shuck his responsibility  as the leader of the free world when it suits his purpose, proclaiming America will not interfere in the internal affairs of any nation in the Islamic world

  • In Libya,  he backed the rebels, not knowing who they were or what they stood for,  but knowing there was a greater chance to overthrow the tyrant Ghadaffi  with military support, making him the hero while  ignoring the fact that the rebels would be forming an Islamic state at odds with the freedoms they’re fighting for.
  • Iran,  2009, was the worst case scenario, when the people protested in the  streets against Ahmadinejad’s rigged elections, Obama was silent. When  it looked as though the protesters had no chance to effect regime  change, he stood with Ahmadinejad , telling the protesters he would  honour the  Iranian sovereign authority by accepting  the election results.  What was his policy then? Not to anger the Islamic republic of Iran or the Islamic world?   Here he justifies his cowardly action by using his “we must stay out of Islamic affairs.”

Now, what happened in Iran could happen in Egypt. In Charlie Rose’s November 22nd Interview of Naguib Sawiris, ( http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/12005)   co-founder  of Free Egyptians, a liberal-secular political party, the guest spoke  about the protest at Tahrir Square and Obama’s failed foreign policy  toward Egypt. Sawiris  said, “From the beginning, the army gave the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)  too much lead; this is a tribal war and and they believe they are in  power already.   After a million people came to Tahrir Square, the  Brotherhood said, ’Whoever thinks they can stop us will be buried  alive.’“

When  Sawriri was asked what he thought was the biggest mistake the US made  in dealing with Egypt, Sawrisi replied ‚  “It was Obama’s just sitting  and watching from the sidelines, and not being pro-active in any  sense.”  “While  the Catholics finance the Brotherhood and Saudis finance individuals  not with the government, no one sides with those against a religious  state.  Even other secularists are all too willing to work with the  devil (MB) in order to form a new state.  The devil eats them up‚   Sawiris stressed, “Here we are sitting, crying that no one is with us.   There are many people, rich and poor, who do not want a religious  state.“

Unfortunately, it looks as though Obama’s policies are capricious.  Would he agree with the Egyptian people if they declare it  is an inalienable right to choose Islamic tyranny through free elections??  If Obama does not  declare what America stands against, then for what DO we stand, and with  whom?

[End of Article]


Never  Again Is Now has taken the lead in uniting the Jewish-American people  in defense of Israel.  As many of us know by now, Barak Hussein Obama is the Manchurian Candidate of our time and is an enemy of the American People and most likely an illegal alien.  It is clear from his actions that Obama not only wants the Muslim Brotherhood in control of Egypt but that was his end-game for Egypt.

Obama is an extreme threat to our way of life and the security of the Middle East and must be removed from office.  Failure to do so will plunge us into an apocalyptic style religious world war, if it hasn’t already.

More of Stanley Zir’s articles can be read at his website: http://www.neveragainisnow.net/  

China Threatens World War Three if Iran is Attacked

A  news report available on YouTube has China threatening the West with “World War Three” if they precede with plans to attack Iran who is China’s 2nd largest oil suppier.


According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside of China, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war.” The report  quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong’s quote that, “not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs.”  China is staunchly committed to its alliance with Iran , and refused to criticize Iran’s recent student raid on the British Embassy in Tehran.

Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.  Recently, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis,  a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier, already stationed just outside Iranian territorial waters. The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has just been deployed from its home port to join the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR.in the 5th fleet region.  In addition to the USS Carl Vinson’s departure, guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill and guided-missile destroyer left in the morning, and the USS Halsey will depart at 2 p.m,” reports NBC SanDiego, adding that the ships are headed for the Middle East.

An order from Iranian Gen. Mohammed Ali Jaafari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, raised the operational readiness status of the country’s forces, initiating preparations for potential external strikes and covert attacks.  Western intelligence officials said the Islamic Republic had initiated plans to disperse long-range missiles, high explosives, artillery and guards units to key defensive positions.


The Changing Political Climate & the Prophetic Paradigm Shift

Most people in my country are busy about preparing for the seasons holidays.  Many are oblivious to the changing political climate that is ramping up to the coming of the prophesied world order that the power elite is trying to set in place.  That NEW WORLD ORDER is pulling out the stops to realize their dream that will make the human race slaves to their own twisted ideas of what human society should be.  It is no mere happenstance that Barak Hussein Obama was ‘elected’ as the President of the USA.  It also was no mere happenstance that he set in motion the de-construction of the traditional American way of life through his ‘shock’ troops that he has put in place throughout the government and civilian organizations.

There are those fools today who would claim that the lifeblood of a nation is dependent upon the goodwill of its government and that the government is the focal point of cultural growth. While there may be a little truth in this, the reality is far from this ideal.  Governments rarely exemplify the spirit of the common folk.  Instead, bureaucracies almost inevitably degenerate into vehicles for the perpetuation of tyranny and the subjugation of human beings, and are driven by the very worst of all stewards; elitist minorities with delusions of godhood. Men such as BARAK OBAMA.  Men and Women such as the US CONGRESS.

But Where Tyrants Tread, the Godless Dwell.

On December 1st 2011,  in the midst of allegations of police brutality and police aggression at the Occupy Wall Street protests, the Senate — hopelessly out of touch with reality — approved 93 to 7, the passage of the NDAA (BILLS-112s1867pcs) which contains a number of alarming provisions — (Sections 1031 and 1032), designed to make mandatory the indefinite military detention of terror suspects until the end of hostilities in a “war on terror” that has no end –  ending a long and entirely appropriate tradition of trying terror suspects in federal court for their alleged crimes.  Sections 1033 and 1034, which seek to prevent the closure of Guantanamo by imposing  restrictions on the release of prisoners, and banning the use of funds to purchase an alternative prison anywhere else.

All Hail the American Police State

S. 1867 – the NDAA, supported by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)  and written by Senators John McCain and Carl Levin, declares American soil a battlefield and allows the President and all future Chief Executives to order the military to arrest and detain American citizens, innocent or not, without charge or trial.  According to Firedoglake.com, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA will:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice

In a live stream, Rand Paul addressed the American people, asserting the dangerous nature of the NDAA. See his YouTube video here



The Biblically Prophesied Global Government.

The foundation is already set for the World Government that many people believe is prophesied in the TANAKH and in other writings such as the Koran and the New Testament.  Will they take the next step and finalize Police State? Will the American Military Machine turn their weapons on Americans when ordered to do so?

We are seeing unprecedented power grabs by political leaders. The changing of governments in the middle east is right on par with prophecy.  The whole Middle East has become enemies against Israel.  Even Egypt and Turkey which were long time allies have taken lead roles against Israel.  The recent Egyptian elections have given a majority to the Muslim Brotherhood and will effectively end the peace treaty between the two nations that has been in place for more than 30 years. It would be hard to overstate what a disaster the Egyptian elections are becoming. There are some reports stating the Muslim Brotherhood may be getting over 50 percent of the vote.  NOUR, Another Islamist party with extremist ties  is apparently getting between 10 and 15 percent.

The financial markets are teetering and ready to collapse.  The Arab Spring has now turned to a Jihadist Muslim Winter.  NATO is preparing for war with Bashar in Syria and  with a possible nuclear armed Iran.  Israel will most likely have to take unilateral action against the Iranian nuclear threat which will ignite the Middle East in a ‘holy’ war against Israel, something both Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood has been clamoring for.  Turkey will not sit idly by and will most likely participate in a war against Israel and possibly the West, hoping to consolidate a role a the regional Muslim power.


It is becoming more and more clear that 2012 will be a year with a potential for widespread change, be it destructive or evolutionary.  Will we see the creation of the One World Order?  Will we see the re-establishment of the Islamic khalifa?

For Americans we must assume the worst about our government and prepare for the war that is coming.   We must arm ourselves not only to defend ourselves physically but also arm our selves mentally, emotionally and most important of all – to arm ourselves spiritual tools to fight the overwhelming darkness that seeks to enslave our planet.

As the old adage states, it is darkest before the dawn.   We must be part of the fight to free ourselves from tyranny.  All human governments and institutions are failing us. As the last Jewish exile , the Edomite Exile, is coming to a close the darkness of our times is almost suffocating.   Our hope in HaShem’s promise of Redemption seems far off but in reality it is but a moment in time away.  The King Messiah, the one who will lead us out of the darkness, is closer than we realize.

We are at a pivotal moment in the evolution of human society






Ron Paul and the Coming Changes

Responding to one Texas Jew regarding Ron Paul

All government money, including so-called charity and disaster relief,  has political strings attached to it.  Israel by accepting it, accepts the political terms that go with it.   Israel is called by the Torah to be the ‘head and not the tail…to loan but never borrow.  Proverbs clearly tells us that the borrower is the slave to the lender.  Rambam tells us that Israel is obligated to establish monarchy once we have possession of the land, not a democracy, which have been designed with a notable flaw – the human equation – and is beginning to wobble out of control.

It is time for a paradigm shift to occur.  America will not protect Israel from it’s vast number of enemies unless it’s own interests are served.  Regardless of your view on RP, HaShem Himself has determined that All the Nations will be set against Israel, for His own purposes.  The Davidic Kingdom that was foretold by the nevi’im cannot be realized by the transitory State of Israel or it’s corrupt government.  A quantum change is scheduled by HaShem sometime in the future.  That change will entail replacing the current European style Socialist democracy that the UN and the atheist Jews created 64 years with a Torah based theocratic monarchy.  The world will never accept this.
There are many notable rabbanim who see American money and influence as part of the chains of our exile and continued enslavement.  If you read my blog , you know that the Menorah that secular Israel uses as its symbol is in reality a Menorah of Exile, created by Gentile powers (Rome) with idolatrous serpents depicted on it’s base.   It symbolizes our servitude and exile among the nations. It is our enslavement.

Israel must be weaned off of American money and political power.  Ron Paul, no matter what you think of him, wants to end foreign aid to ALL nations, not just Israel.  This would include those nations who use that money to wage war on Israel.  And frankly, Americans need that money now.  If Israel no longer has American money and power to rely on, Israel will then have to look to the Holy One of Israel, blessed be He, for it’s salvation and deliverance.  Getting Ron Paul elected would be a strategic move for those who look forward to the Messianic Age.


Is Ron Paul Anti-Semitic?

Ron PaulSome time ago I wrote a piece on Presidential Politics and my reasons for wanted to get Ron Paul elected.  Several people have called me on this and asked if I was crazy.  I have heard from some Jews that Ron Paul is no friend to the Jewish people and one lady called him a flaming anti-Semite.  Another woman whom I am responding to suggested I Google Ron Paul and anti-Semitism and that I would be convinced by what I discovered.  So to be fair, I did just that.  I came across many articles and video’s purporting evidence of Ron Paul’s anti-Semitism.  However, close examination of these so-called proofs showed most of them to be political hack jobs by professional media types and political activists.

As my previous blog posting reminds us to be wary of Evangelical Christianity which I believe some of these replies to my postings come from.  Having had contact with that type of mindset for many years, I can truthfully say that some of the Christian Right is ignorant of political realities and can not fathom that the good ol’ USA uses money to control other nations.  Many of them see Ron Paul’s position on Foreign Aid to Israel as anti-semitic and anti-God.  They are truly ignorant of the larger reality, including what the Constitution actually says.   My response to Monica from Texas is as follows.

It is clear that you are only looking at one side of the issue.  Ron Paul clearly is a constitutional Libertarian.  Anything that violates the principles and guidelines laid out in our organic documents, such as giving money to foreign governments  (with strings attached) and the curbing of individual freedoms stands against the principles of the founders.  Many of the so-called social justice programs that liberals espouse and American Jews support at some level violate the Constitutional safeguards that have been set in place.  The really sad part is that a majority of the American Jewish community has been duped into supporting these freedom-hating initiatives.

To accuse him of anti-Semitism based on what the internet has to say about him is wrong.  The accusations are politically motivated by Jews who have bought the socialist lie or would like to continue the status quo – giving Israel blood money to further the NWO agenda and keep our Jewish people imprisoned to the American Agenda.  All these steps, if left in place, further subjugate Jews and non Jews alike.   Ron Paul’s election to the Presidency will level the playing field.  American Money & Political Action is a Trojan Horse to the Jewish People who long for the Return of the Davidic Kingdom.   It is American Money that has been used to arm and train the PA forces which are going to be used to expel Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria.

American Trojan Horse

So Monica from Texas, before you throw out accusations, check your facts.   Its the classic Media blitz against a man they hate for many different reasons.  The election of Ron Paul will set in motion events which could bring about necessary change in the Israeli political scene.  The Zohar and other ancient Jewish writings foretold that the Jewish government that would be in place prior to the coming of Mashiach would be a government of heretics, men of low character.  It is obvious that this ‘prophecy’ has come to pass.  It is our obligation to help bring about the necessary changes that very well could herald the coming of King Messiah.   For me Ron Paul is a piece on the chessboard – to be used to further our agenda – the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, ruled from Jerusalem


Looming Financial Doom


Recently, as was announced by the Bought and Sold Press, the Palestinian Authority was granted membership in the United Nations UNESCO.  The announcement was lauded as a break through for the PA and cheered by the UN and those who want to see the PA established as a parasite nation.  The PA vowed it was applying for membership to 16 other UN organizations in celebration of it’s PR victory.  That celebration however encouraging to the Palestinians is to be short-lived.

Fast forward to today November 3rd, 2011.   In a surprising reversal, Ban Ki Moon, the UN General Secretary announced  that the PA should be content with what they have gained and not seek membership in other UN organizations.  This is coming from a man who has encouraged the Palestinians in their political plans until now.  So why the change of heart?  Money, Money, Money.

After UNESCO accepted the PA as a member, the United States, Canada and Israel cut-off funding the organization.  The United States and Canada supply 30% of it’s operating budget.  The US gives about 64 million annually to UNESCO.  Israel is also cutting off it’s 2 million dollar aid as well.   Ban Ki Moon is trying to head off a financial collapse by discouraging the PA from further membership in it’s organizations.  The United States by law, cannot support any UN organization that has the PA as a member.  Personally, I hope the PA applies for membership in all the UN organizations.   The US should not be funding that morally bankrupt monster with even $1 US dollar.  The building should be vacated of the riffraff and used for American interests (US citizens, not US Gov.)


Without warning, Lloyd’s, the world’s oldest insurer announced that it has withdrawn its money from European banks.  According to Lloyd’s, the banks are in danger of failing as the debt crisis in Europe continues to intensify. The company’s Finance Director, Luke Savage, put it simply:

“If you’re worried the government itself might be at risk, then you’re certainly worried the banks could be taken down with them.”

Which European governments is Lloyd’s speaking of? They’re not saying publicly. But we should note that Lloyd’s didn’t just withdraw its money from only Greek banks; it withdrew its money from banks from all over the European BlocWhen the world’s oldest insurance company, a firm that for 323 years has made its living by accurately calculating the odds of future disasters . When that company suddenly takes its money and runs, it’s a MASSIVE red flag for investors— a clear signal that the start of the end is near!

Lloyd’s has every reason to worry. In addition to the government debt crisis that’s threatening to destroy European banks, a huge credit crisis is spreading across the Continent as well.  Spanish and Italian banks are rejecting massive numbers of loans and charging customers more as the sovereign debt crisis continues to drive their own borrowing cost higher.  Any way you look at it, this shrinking of European credit markets is the worst kind of downward spiral:

  • The government debt crisis is making it harder and more expensive for banks to borrow money; the banks are passing those higher costs along to borrowers.
  • Corporations have to pay more to borrow; their cost of doing business is rising.
  • Consumers can’t or won’t borrow at higher rates, so corporate earnings plunge.
  • As corporate earnings evaporate, the taxes they pay also plummet.
  • Falling tax revenues cause the government’s deficits to explode higher, driving the banks’ cost of borrowing even higher.


The EU (European Union) gives the PA about $90 million a year.   The looming financial disaster may cause a shortfall of cash, not only for UN who receives billions in dues from it’s member nations, but the PA as well as the crisis further develops.   As this crisis hits the US, the estimated $150 million that we give to the PA could dwindle and disappear.   This could stall the PA/Hamas political agenda, at least in some respect. One can only hope and dream.  But time can only tell.