Descending into Chaos

Israel Hamas War

Civilized societies, it now becomes evident, have a moral weakness that can be taken advantage of by Islam’s Cult of Death. Hamas has deployed in its war against Israel is a “weapon” so evil yet ingenious that if adopted on a massive scale would make it impossible for any enlightened country, no matter how powerful, to defeat its enemy.

Imagine this scene. An entire army goes into battle with a rifle in one hand and a baby in the other. The first is meant to murder, the other to prevent their opponents from returning fire. They pillage, they rape, they conquer, secure in the knowledge that their protection is the moral code of their victims whose developed conscience – and perhaps fear of critical judgment from the media for their insensitivity to the safety of infants – doesn’t permit them to respond.

It is a perversely brilliant strategy. It neutralizes every weapon, no matter how advanced. It gives the advantage to those who have no regard for the sanctity of life. It empowers precisely those willing to forgo every last vestige of civilized behavior over people still committed to their humanity.

The only response to this is either to capitulate or to employ biblical standards of warfare that would make such atrocious acts far targets. From my view, if the Palestinians are so lost and souless as to allow their own children to be used by an evil so perverse as Hamas, then why should we stay our hand when faced with extinction?

The Torah shows that the ancient Israelites, led by HaShem himself offered no quarter to the pagan tribes of Canaan and even their children were to be destroyed. This may appear heartless but when the Israelites did not enforce this standard they very often paid the price.

We must determine for ourselves what standards of morality we will adhere to. Will they be standards which worship death and evil, and will result in the deaths of millions, possibly billions, or shall we stand for righteousness, good and life and become worshippers of the One True God – HaShem the God of Israel whose own standards condemn the actions of Hamas and the crazed radical Jihadists?

What say you?

ISIS – Rise of the Caliphate

Some time ago, Israel in Prophecy and many others warned the world of the coming rise of a new Caliphate and a war between Shia and Sunni Muslims. That warning fell on deaf ears and has now become a reality. ISIS – The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has made major gains in Iraq and is now in possession of advanced US weaponry. They are currently assaulting the Kurds to the north, have seized the all important Mosel Dam and have murdered thousands in the most brutal ways. Christians, Jews and other religions are told to leave, convert or die.

I believe ISIS will continue to grow and very well could be an existential threat to Israel and even America due to the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into Barak Obama’s administration. Obama’s weak, and I believe deliberate, lack of leadership has emboldened ISIS and radical Islam in general.

The world must wake up to the reality that Islam is not changing and is becoming more and more radicalized. The only solution is to eradicate this type of religion from existence. Religion that glorifies war in the name of its god and destroys its own children to advance its abhorrent ideology is truly demonic and must be destroyed.

US Foreign Policy

The former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton stated that under Barak Obama’s very weak leadership that “the world’s descending into chaos” and if America continues to pull back internationally, “you’re going to have anarchy increasing.” Meaning that America’s once stabilizing force, whether seen as good or bad is being badly eroded by the Boy Who Would Be King, and the world will be worse off, particularly since the advance of militant radical Islam.

The President’s foreign policy — in regards to Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, and Gaza is at an approval rating of a mere 36%, an all-time low.

Bolton stated: It’s just the tip of the iceberg. Look, Putin gave us strategic warning eight years ago when he said the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. That was a statement right then that he intended to get Russian hegemony in the space of the former Soviet Union. That’s what he is doing and he is meeting no effective American or European resistance.

Ebola Outbreak

According to a senior health fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world has no strategic plan to contain the worst Ebola outbreak in history while scientists are saying an outbreak on U.S. soil would require sweeping measures. Total quarantine of cities or sections of infected cities and restrictions on air travel could be expected. The CDC has 20 known quarantine stations throughout the U.S. but it is not known if those would be adequate to contain a full outbreak.

All this chaos is creating the perfect storm which will bring about the rise of the evil Tyrant of the Book of Daniel and the Christian book of Revelation. What ever you call him – Armilus, Dajjal, the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, the World Teacher, Matreiya – he is a despotic ruler who will bring humanity to the brink of oblivion.


As my studies and those of countless other demonstrates, this perfect storm is being created by a small group of elites to bring about their New World Order – whether you call them the Illuminati, the Money Power, the Brotherhood – they are bringing doom to our planet and must be not only stopped but destroyed as well. Only HaShem can accomplish this. Let us pray for His will and hope for deliverance.

Paving the Way for Daniels Prophecy?

In light of recent events, one must ask yourself if we are heading into the fullfilment of Daniels prophecies?

In an Israel Today article, titled :Kerry’s Peace Plan: Divide Jerusalem, Recognize Jewish State,  a New York Times columnist, named Thomas Friedman, who has close ties to the Obama Administration, said that the American Secretary of State John Kerry is about to present a firm (forceful?) American proposal for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Obama plan sees Israel withdrawing from Judea and Samaria in stages. Large Jewish settlements would be left intact and under Israeli sovereignty, and Israel would compensate by surrendering some of its territory to the Palestinian Authority. Jerusalem would be divided, and the eastern half recognized as the capital of “Palestine.” Speaking of recognition, Israel would be explicitly acknowledged as the nation state of the Jewish people. There would be no mass return of Palestinian refugees into Israel.

Israel in Prophecy has not been silent regarding the possible identity of Obama as the End of Days Tyrant whom the Jews call Armilus and the Christians call Antichrist, the Man of Sin. We have dedicated various articles to this topic and remain convinced that he is the end of days despot foretold in Daniel. This monster is destined to make a peace treaty with Israel which will catapult us into a world of calamity and despair. This  treaty according to a careful reading of Daniel suggests that the so called Peace Treaty is actually forced upon Israel, which is exactly what is occurring now.

With recent saber rattling by Russia and the back-stabbing deal the US made with Iran, some believe that this could lead to the Biblical prophecy of Gog U Magog of Ezekiel.

And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog [the Russian Federation]…and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will…bring thee forth, and all thine army…. Persia [ancient kingdom of Iran], Ethiopia, and Libya with them.” (Ezekiel 38:1–5)

Although Gog  invasion  goes wrong for Iran, Russia, and their confederates (see Ezekiel 38:21), one cannot read this prophecy  and fail to reflect upon the events of recent days involving Iran and its leaders, Russia and its leaders, and the current push by the president of the United States to force Israel into a false peace with the Palestinians, all the while while secretly negotiating a nuclear agreement with Iran (made public in late 2013).

The Obama regime, with Secretary of State John Kerry in the lead, joined with the international community in making an agreement with the Iranian regime that many view as a betrayal of Israel.

 Israeli PM  Netanyahu saw through these Machiavellian machinations, and harshly condemned the nuclear deal with Iran as a massive failure of [United States] foreign policy. “What was reached last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake,” he said, before including: “Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world.”

We should not fail to take into account HaShem’s promise of safety for the Jewish nation mentioned in various places in the Tanakh. We should also know that while the Obama regime is trying to force this treaty on Israel, the Jewish people have powerful memories of those who have promised to exterminate them – Haman in the Book of Hadassah (Ester) the arch villian in ancient Persia, Nazi Germany in the past and  Iran (Persia) today. Survival by any means necessary pervades their hearts at this stage in history.

Because of this resolve, some believe, just as in the days of Haman, Obama’s fait accompli (something that has happened and cannot be undone – just like the Persian law which condemned the Jewish captives) regarding  conspiratorial deals with Israel’s enemies could result literally  overnight in the war  in Ezekiel.

In a speech before  the  68th Session of the United Nations (2013), Prime Minister Netanyahu himself affirmed:

In our time the Biblical prophecies are being realized. As the prophet Amos said, they shall rebuild ruined cities and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine. They shall till gardens and eat their fruit. And I will plant them upon their soil never to be uprooted again.

The stage is being set, the players are taking there positions. Will the Gog U Magog war ignite in our days? Only Hashem is in control of all the game pieces. Only He knows the outcome of these events.


The Visions of Daniel

There is no mystery more shrouded than the time of the קֵץ, or End – referring to the End of Days.  This special time is marked by the arrival of a wicked ruler which is followed by the arrival of the King Messiah, a messianic Israeli leader who will help usher in an era of peace and justice.

A passage from Megillah 3a tells us that within the Ketuvim (writings) the Kietz or End is contained, meaning the time when the Messiah was to come who would lead Israel to it’s final redemtion. The Book of Daniel is part of that biblical collection. The closing chapters of Daniel contain the visions of the ‘Kietz’, but Daniel was instructed by the angel Gabriel to conceal them from human understanding.  Jewish tradition tells us that Yonathan ben Uziel, most brilliant of Hillels disciples, revealed the mysteries of the prophets in what we know as the Targums, but when he desired to reveal the secrets of the Writings, a heavenly voiced forbid it, because the secret of the End is contained there.

A kietz or end is a point in time where the culmination of God’s plan is brought about leading to a redemption or to the final redemption.  Due to the numerous well-meaning and some not so well meaning scholars who have tried to interpret the exact time when the Messiah was to be revealed,  and the numerous disappointments and tragedies that resulted from these incorrect datings, the sages hoping to discourage anyone from trying to determine the date, pronounced a curse upon those who would try. One only need look at the messianic aspirations of the Great Revolt which spawned numerous messianic pretenders and resulted in the deaths of over one million Jews.

Nevertheless, some very prominent rabbi’s have made calculations of the Kietz – R’ Saadia Gaon, Rambam and Ramban.  These however are noteworthy in that these calculations were allowed in Jewish communities that were under going intense persecution and forced conversions – such as the Jews of Yemen who were beset by a government who demanded conversion to Islam who sought advice from Rabbi Moshe Maimon.  The Jews of Catholic Spain were also under duress to convert.

In these cases, these Jewish communities were in dire need of hope and encouragement and the study of the End was particularly uplifing because it foretold of the demise of Israel’s enemies and the re-establishment of the Davidic Kingdom.  In fact one of the prominent features of the Apocalyptic genre, of which the Book of Daniel is archetypical, was to give comfort to a persecuted people.
Daniels visions are part of the apocalyptic tradition and in reality its foundational document. During his days, the Jewish people needed encouragement that God had not abandoned them and that he was working on thier behalf to bring about thier redemption.

In the realm of the Final Redemption, two possibilities exist. One, that the guelah (redemption) will occur through Israel’s meritorious deeds.  And two, that the guelah will come at ‘its appointed time’ if Israels does not merit it by good deeds.

It should be understood that the sages cautioned that no man knows the time of the End.  The End is hidden.  But  within Daniel lies the knowledge to know how to recognize the signs that indicate when the Kietz – The End of Days is drawing near.  It is these signs that we will look at to help us determine if indeed we are in the time of the End.

All subsequent teachings on the Book of Daniel can be found at our Daniel page:

Reality Check – America’s Destiny, Part 1

“Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the most part unknown—and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.”

—Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason

It’s our contention that America was from the moment of it’s conception under the control of dark forces of the Illuminati Network, though they were not known as such at the time. We shall document much of America’s hidden history.  We believe America’s prophetic role is central to the End of Days prophecies.  Evidence suggests that contrary to many long held belief’s, that the so called Anti-Christ is intimately connected to America.

America’s own history demonstrates a vast conspiracy of control by a small group of extremely powerful people and groups.  The prophet Daniel states that the end time despot – The Contemptible One, though powerful is not a power unto himself (Daniel 7). The power that he exercises is through the efforts of a small group, whom we believe is the Illuminati Network which is control of America:

“….a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.  The overflowing forces will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant.  After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people. In a time of tranquility he will enter the richest parts of the realm, and he will accomplish what his fathers never did, nor his ancestors; he will distribute plunder, booty and possessions among them, and he will devise his schemes against strongholds, but only for a time.”   Daniel 11:21-24

The Design of the Great Seal

The combination of the Phoenix (Eagle), the pyramid, and the all-seeing eye in the Great Seal of the United States is more than mere chance or coincidence. There is only one possible origin for these symbols, and that is the secret societies which came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. Most of the patriots who fought and achieved American independence from Great Britain belonged to these societies, and derived  inspiration, courage, and high purpose from the ancient teachings. There can be no question that the Great Seal was directly inspired by these orders which set forth the purpose for this nation. A purpose seen and known to the Founding Fathers.

Regarding the Great Seal of the United States, Charles Totten stated that the Solar Eye on the Great Pyramid’s capstone was called the eye of Apollo, “…the sacred and mysterious Eye of the Most High of the gods…. Thus it is held in the highest estimation by all Royal Arch Masons.”

Manly P Hall, one of Freemasonry’s shining lights called the American eagle upon the Great Seal  a conventionalized phoenix. The Phoenix he taught was the secret destiny of civilization. The occultists understand, that the word phoenix is derivative of Phoenicians (Canaanites) and refers to the ancient people who inhabited the very land recorded in the book of Enoch as the entry point for Watcher presence from Mt. Hermon in Phoenicia. Intriguingly, the consonants in Hebrew that make up the word Hermon are ch-r-m or the noun “cherem,” meaning devoted to destruction.

Freemasonry’s venerated symbols, the square and compass are not only useful in architecture but are essential to navigation. The map coordinates for Mount Hermon – 33.33 – the location of the Watcher first contact in ancient Phoenicia, plays an important role in Freemasonry’s use of the numbers 3 and specifically the important number of 33.

Osiris is Apollo is Nimrod is Appolyon

It is universally recognized by scholars that the biblical personality of Nimrod was none other than Osiris of Egypt and the Greek god of the sun, Apollo. The Universal Standard Encyclopedia states that APOLLO (Gr. Apollon), a Greek god, the son of Zeus, the father of the gods, and Leto, daughter of the Titan Coeus…Apollos’ identification as the sun-god is universal among later writers…The attributes of Apollo are the bow and quiver, the cithara and plectrum, the snake, raven, shepherd’s crook, tripod, and laurel.

The designers of the Great Seal incorporated the Egyptian symbology and Roman/Greek mottos into the seal to cipher a prophecy about the return of the Freemason/Occult god Apollo, also known as Osiris (aka, Nimrod).

The God of this World

The Great Pyramid itself is but one structure within a major Necropolis that was designed according to the layout of the constellation Orion, the Great Hunter in the sky [Osiris/Gilgamesh/Nimrod/Apollo]. According to various scholars, Osiris is none other than the Biblical Nimrod, the ‘mighty hunter before the Lord.’

Evidence suggests that the earliest legends of mythology were preceded by a belief in the God (YHWH to the Jewish people) as the creator of all things and the ruler of heaven. The New Testament tells us of a struggle between the Ruler of Heaven and the god of this world and the prince of the air.This god is known popularly as Satan or Lucifer.

Another fascinating struggle between the ruler of the heavens opposing the power of the air occurred in early Sumerian mythology after Enki, the god of wisdom and water, created Humanity out of clay. It appears that Anu, who was at first the most powerful of the Sumerian gods and the ruler of the heavens, was superseded in power and popularity by Enlil, the god of the air.

This mythos is central to the founding of the United States and the construction of its capital, including the Osiris phallic symbol represented by the 6,666-inches-high Egyptian obelisk known as the Washington Monument.

The motto at the top of the Great Seal, is Annuit Coeptis. This Latin phrase has been traced to Virgil, the renowned Roman poet who lived in the first century BCE. In his epic masterpiece, the Aeneid, he tells the story of Aeneas, son of Venus, ancestral hero of the Romans, and his journey from Troy to Italy. In book IX, line 625, is the phrase: “Jupiter omnipotens, audacibus annue coeptis.” (All-powerful Jupiter, favor [my] daring undertakings.)

This is a prayer to the god Jupiter.  The prayer is a petition that the Illuminati/Freemason undertaking [the secret destiny of America as symbolized in “finishing” the pyramid] may be completed, and that the new age will find fulfillment.

Annuit coeptis is the Latin motto suggested in 1782 by Charles Thomson, the Founding Father chosen by Continental Congress to come up with the final design for the Great Seal of the United States. Thomson was a friend of the Freemasons and staunch supporter of the American Philosophical Society, created the phrase from inspiration he found in a prophetic line in Virgil’s Eclogue IV: Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo [Virgil’s Eclogue IV (line 5)], the interpretation of the original Latin being, “and the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew.” This suggests a renewing of the old world order.

On June 20, 1782, Congress approved Thomson’s design for both sides of the Great Seal whose official description for the reverse side specifies:

“A Pyramid unfinished. In the Zenith an Eye in a triangle surrounded with a glory proper. Over the Eye these words “Annuit Cœptis”.

Although Thomson did not provide an exact translation of Annuit Coeptis, he explained its meaning in conjunction with the Eye of Providence in a triangle surrounded by rays of golden light (“a glory proper”) in the zenith of an unfinished pyramid:

The Eye over it & the Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favour of the American cause.

While this explanation may seem innocuous to most, we should remember the power behind the Founding Fathers were the guardians of the old mystery religions.  This means that the intent of the prayer Annuit Coeptis is asking Jupiter/Osiris/Apollyon for intervention in their cause.  Whose cause? Not the American people, but the Illuminati’s cause. The implication suggests an intervention (interposition) in their cause. But when?

I see Thru the Mirror Darkly

Sadly Christians since the Middle Ages have been led to believe this phrase from the Cumaean Sibyl, prophetess of Apollo was prophesying the birth of Jesus and that it was his arrival that gave rise to “the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew” or New Order of the Ages.

According to the Cumaean Sibyl, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are tottering. This is when the son of promise arrives on earth—Apollo, the son of Jupiter, to whom the Founders lifted up a prayer to – Annuit Cœptis.

Apollo is according to his admirers a savior born of “a new breed of men sent down from heaven” when heroes and gods intermingled their seeds. This sounds eerily similar to the Watchers and daughters of men intermixing. And this intermixing is what scientists are doing this century through genetic engineering of human-animal chimeras.

In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of YHVH as the greatest of the gods. Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order when “Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s [Satan’s] reign.”

The ancient goddess Justice who returns Satan’s reign (Saturnia regna, the pagan golden age), was known to the Egyptians as Ma’at and to the Greeks as Themis, while to the Romans she was Lustitia. Statues and reliefs of her adorn thousands of government buildings and courts around the world, especially in Washington, DC, as familiar Lady Justice, blindfolded and holding scales and a sword. She represents the enforcement of secular law and is, according to the Sibyl’s conjure, the authority that will require global compliance to the zenith of Satan’s authority concurrent with the coming of Apollo.

In the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo, the Masonic ‘Messiah’ that returns to rule the earth, is the same spirit—verified by the same name—that will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order. According to a key prophecy in the book of 2nd Thessalonians, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of the ancient spirit, Apollo.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Apoleia; Apollyon, Apollo].”

Websters Dictionary points out that Apollyon was a common variant of Apollo until recent history. Numerous scholarly and classical works identify Apollyon as the god Apollo—the Greek deity of death and pestilence.

An example of this is found in The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, a play by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus:

“Apollo, thou destroyer, O Apollo, Lord of fair streets, Apollyon to me.”

Accordingly, the name Apollo turns up in ancient literature with the verb apollymi or apollyo, (destroy) and scholars including W.R.F. Browning believe Apostle Paul may have identified the god Apollo as the ‘spirit of Antichrist’ operating behind the persecuting Roman emperor, Domitian, who wanted to be recognized as ‘Apollo incarnate’ in his day.

Revelation 17:8 also connects the coming of Antichrist with Apollo, revealing that “The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit, and go into perdition [Apolia, Apollo], meaning the Beast Apollyon shall ascend from the bottomless pit and enter him.

Abaddon is another name for Apollo (Rev. 9:11), identified historically as the king of demonic “locusts” (Revelation 9:1-11). This means among other things that Apollo is the King of the Abyss that opens the bottomless pit, out of which an army of transgenic locusts erupts upon earth.

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon” (Rev. 9: 1-11).

The fallen angel ‘Apollo’ who unlocks the bottomless pit and unleashes the thunderous hoards of Great Tribulation locusts is therefore none other than the son of Satan and the spirit that will inhabit the Masonic Antichrist.

The Secret of the Great Seal

This means the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy forecasting the return of Apollo and the culmination of Novus ordo seclorum (a New Order of the Ages or New World Order) This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names; Apollo, Osiris, and even further back as Nimrod, who Masons consider to be the father of their institution.

The Great Seal shows a thirteen-step pyramid with 1776 in Roman numerals which is taken to mean the year 1776. 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed and the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati, but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar.  Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle is katun 2012, the first katun in the cycle of thirteen was katun 1776. In fact, the katun ended thirty-three days before the signing. So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid, where the date is actually inscribed—the top of the pyramid is therefore 2012. The 13 courses of the pyramid are 13 baktun’s of the Mayan calendar which ends at the close of the year 2012.  The intervention begins in 2013, possibly 33 days after it’s close if the pattern of Illuminati symbolism holds true.

The only known Mayan inscription that elaborates on the specific significance behind the end of the thirteenth baktun—December 21, 2012—was discovered on Monument 6 at Tortuguero, in Tabasco, Mexico. Though defaced from previous looting of the archaeological location, scholars were able to partially translate the monument, finding that it refers to a year 2012 return of Bolon Yokte K’u, the underworld lord who represents the solar system and the nine support gods orbiting the Sun. This is the same date the Toltec prophesied the physical return of the serpent god Quetzalcoatl. Toltec tradition claims that the return could be a potentially cataclysmic event that will actually launch a new Golden Age of ascended consciousness.

Other Calculations and Considerations

The year 1776 at the base of the pyramid is understood by Masons worldwide to be the year 5776 Anno Lucis (in the year of light). This is because the ancient Craft workers add four thousand years to the common date, the number of years that conventional theology assumes creation began before Jesus: thus, 4,000+1,776=5,776 or 2016 in the modern calendar.

Why is this important? Because 5,776 is exactly how many inches high the Great Pyramid in Giza would be when completed with its capstone, a sacred fact to occultist orders. (2012 is the Jewish year 5772, which ended in the month of September).

Yet if the year 1776 represents the starting date toward the completion of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception, as Manly P. Hall stated, what date did Freemasonry envision that the work would be finished in order that Osiris could return to inhabit his temple? This is found in the rabbinic Jewish calendar as well as the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, who, unlike their other brethren, prefer adding 3,760 years to the common date. In order for this superior side of Masonry to arrive at the appropriate number for their finished pyramid and the completed work (the height of the pyramid with its capstone reaching upward of 5,776 inches), they have to add the future date, 2016, to the common era, or 3,760+2,016=5,776

2012, three and one-half years before the Masonic ending date 2016, could thus be viewed as the beginning of the Tribulation period spoken of in Christian texts.

Christmas Time During Hell on Earth

11:11 am on December 21, 2012, is three and one-half days before Christmas this year. Consider that the Christian text of Revelation, chapter 11, describes the two witnesses who prophesy for 1,260 days or 3.5 years or 42 months before Apollyon kills them and they lie in the street of Jerusalem for three and one-half days. Note what it says happens:

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. (Revelation 11:9–11)

It is possible that the text above is describing the two witnesses being killed during the Christmas season.  What other international known holiday besides Christmas results in people worldwide exchanging gifts to each other? The description of the two witnesses as ‘candlestands’ could also connect them to Hanukkah, which occurs in December. Interesting enough is the fact that in 2016, Channukah begins on December 25th.

The year 2012 could very well mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation, also known in Jewish circles as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.  Not only could this scenario fit with Daniel’s prophecy when the Israel endures intense persecution, but also when Antichrist enthrone’s himself as God in the temple. This would also conform well with the Masonic and Great Seal prophecies forecasting the return of the Great Architect  Hiram Abiff (Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod), who enters the finished temple as god, in this case, mid-2016, which is three and one-half years following 2012.

Mark Biltz research into Jewish feasts and blood moon eclipses,  found evidence corroborated by the NASA website of a rare event called a tetrad, in which four consecutive total lunar eclipses or blood moons appear in a century, will coincide with Passover holy days in 2014–2015.

According to Biltz, tetrads have historically appeared around special dates in Israel’s history such as during Passover and Succoth following Israel becoming a nation in 1948, and again in 1967–1968 following the Six-Day War when Israel recaptured Jerusalem. In 2014–2015, blood moons will occur the first day of the Hebrew year and again on the High Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah. If these are in fulfillment of the prophecies of  Joel 2:31 concerning “The sun [being] turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord,” they could hypothetically indicate the arrival of the true Messiah of Israel in 2015–2016.

2012 and Prophecy from the Zohar on Messiah’s Return

Widely considered the most important work of Jewish Kabbalah, the Zohar is a collection of books written in medieval Aramaic over seven hundred years ago containing mystical commentary on the Pentateuch (five books of Moses, the Torah). In addition to interpreting Scripture, the “Vaera” section (volume 3, section 34) includes “The signs heralding Mashiach,” or “The coming of the Messiah.” The fascinating date for “his” appearance is set in the Zohar at late 2012. However, since 5772 (the Jewish 2012) has passed, this particular Zohar prophecy did not materialize.  The Zohar also states that the time of Jacob’s trouble, which the Christians call the Great Tribulation, will commence according to this ancient text in the year 2012 when the kings of the earth gather in Rome and are killed by meteoric stones from the sky.

This last rabbinic prophecy from the Zohar may be actually referring to the rise of Peter Romanus during a conclave to elect a new pope.

Petrus Romanus – The Last Pope

Interestingly, among other scholars of the implications of the year 2012, a few have pointed to a prophecy taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes.” Tom Horn’s latest book titled “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, sheds light on ancient Catholic prophecies from St. Malachy concerning the Church, foretelling that the pope following Benedict XVI, the current pope who was installed in 2005, will be the final pontiff:

“As the legend goes, Malachy experienced what is today considered a famous vision commonly called ‘The Prophecy of the Popes.’ The prophecy is a list of Latin verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, ‘Peter the Roman,’ whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome.”

The final segment of the prophecy reads:

“In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the City of Seven Hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people.”

While the year 2012 is not directly mentioned, Horn says the Vatican’s Jesuit mathematician and code breaker Rene Thibaut wrote 61 years ago it would be fulfilled in 2012. Thibaut’s codex – La Mystérieuse Prophétie des Papes (“The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes”), issued in 1951 found concealed in the Prophecy of the Popes a clever number of word plays that form many acrostics and anagrams. An example of one of the linguistic codes may hold cryptic agreement with Ronald L. Conte’s conclusion that Petrus Romanus will take the name Pius.

Horn also points to 19th century collection titled “Lectures on the Revelation” by Rev. William J. Reid, pastor of First United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pa., which were given over a period of time ending in March 1876. An excerpt from one of the lectures published in 1878 attempts to determine the official start of the papal system, combining both temporal and spiritual authority, and states: “If it began in the year 752, and if it is to continue for one thousand two hundred and sixty years, then it is to be destroyed in the year 2012.”

It is highly unlikely any pope would choose this name given it’s infamous status. Catholic experts say the title “Petrus Romanus” is a potent in that it indicates the last pope will revive an authoritarian style Babylonian State Religion. It is believed that during the reign of Peter the Roman, the great apostasy mention by the Apostle Paul begins. Staunch Catholics believe Peter the Roman will be the shepherd that reinstates the moral authority of the Church.

Petrus Romanus is also believed to be the False Prophet who rises from within the ranks of Catholicism itself as a result of Illuminati influences.

There are also Catholics who believe Rome is complicit in an intentional cover-up involving the true Third Secret of Fatima as well as other suppressed Catholic foresights that are rife with wildly different predictions concerning the future prophetic role of the Roman Catholic Church. Even the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” approved by the Church and promulgated by Pope John Paul II (released in English in 1994, the first catechism in more than four hundred years), which draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, traditions, teachings, and the lives of the saints, states under the section The Church’s Ultimate Trial:

675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the mystery of iniquity in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the Truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in the place of God and his Messiah who has come in the flesh.

Possibly at the center of this prophecy and a “Vatican cover-up” of the complete vision of Fatima (and related prophecies) is a second and potentially more powerful papal contender for the role of Petrus Romanus or “Peter the Roman”—Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro (Peter) Bertone, who was born in Romano (the Roman) Canavese (“Peter the Roman”). Cardinal Bertone is second in command at the Vatican.

Following the election of America’s first black president Barak Obama, analysts around the world began speculating that perhaps Rome would follow suit and roll out the red carpet for a black pope, the first in fifteen hundred years. Cardinal Francis Arinze, whom Ronald L. Conte Jr. believes will be the next pope and fulfill “The Prophecy of the Popes” by taking the name Pius XIII, is also a black man, an Igbo Nigerian considered papabile since before the 2005 conclave that elected Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). “The election of Barack Obama as the first African-American US President could pave the way for the election of [a] black Pope, according to a leading black American Catholic,” wrote the Times Online in 2008.

The Contemptible King

The following is from a chapter from a book i am working on.  It’s a basic rough draft but given the shortness of the time I want to put as much out as I can.  Please feel free to comment or critcize as you feel the need to.

Messianic Crazy

Wherever one turns, mankind appears to be in the throes of Apocalyptic trepidation, Messianic fervor, and End of Time anxiety.Religious fanaticism manifests itself in wars, rebellions, and the slaughter of infidels. Armies amassed by leaders of the West are warring with armies of the of the East. Carnage engulfs cities and towns; the high and the mighty seek safety behind protective walls.

It appears that a clash of civilizations is at hand.  East versus West, Religion against Religion, one political system against another, brother against brother.  But it is all subterfuge, obfuscation. Smoke and mirrors.

Realistically a clash of civilizations is taking place, but it is one which has  been created purposely by a cabal of influential families, the super wealthy and powerful. It is not coming about due to some Divine Plan, but is a planned coup d tat by unscrupulous fanatical men.

Biblical prophecy from our point of view is the result of an interaction between man and the Sentient Conscienceness of the Universe (called God or the Universal Will): God established an order for harmonious living for humanity.  Man decides he would rather go it alone.  Certain despotic leaders – politicians, captains of industry, religious figureheads, ect,. then decide to create their own version of Utopia, a New World Order, outside the parameters established by God. Thier agenda creates chaos and suffering on a massive global scale.  The Biblical Prophecy is triggered to preserve humanity.

Paradigm shifts for nations, cultures and civilizations cannot occur on their own through attrition, but are heralded in through a charismatic messianic leader who can mesmerize populations to accept a new ideology, even one which may ultimately lead to their own destruction.  Two of the most notable messianic leaders of the last few centuries is Napolean who led Europe into the so-called Age of Enlightenment, and Adolf Hitler, whom we will discuss in more detail.

Money Power Promoting the Messianic Complex

Unknown to most people is that war-time messianic leaders are funded by the same cabal of influential families over and over again. These notable families control the financial institutions of the world including the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank Nationale Paris, and the Bank of Italy, and have financed and propped up every ‘messianic’ war leader of the last 200 years who was viewed as a deliverer:


Lenin & Stalin- 40 million Russians exterminated

Adolf Hitler- 6 million Jews exterminated

Mao Tse Tung- 60 million Chinese exterminated.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt- NWO puppet

Barak Hussien Obama- intimately tied to the international bankers.

Enter the New Messiah

The individual identified as Barak Obama is quite frankly a profound mystery, an enigma which appears to have been purposely crafted at the highest levels of oligarchy, and presented to the world and specifically to America, to bring about a civilization level paradigm shift.  He is a man with a destiny, though not of his own making but, to bring about a change in the affairs of human government.

While this may sound epic and historic, the truth is far from the noble endeavors suited for great leaps of progress.  Rather, the ascendancy of Barak Obama are the machinations of tyrants and small minded men, set on domination and cruel slavery.

In looking at Barak Obama in the sense of prophetic fulfilment, the enigma grows even more.  As I studied the biblical texts concerning the coming of the contemptuous world leader spoken of by Daniel, I was amazed at the level of fulfilment and at the same time bewildered concerning how easily the people of America were decieved.

How could the American public be so duped by a smooth talking flim flam man from Chicago, without so much as a proper vetting regarding the man who would have his finger on the nuclear trigger?

It appears that his ascendancy was a well orchestrated coup d tat.  The fact is that conditions in America and the world were conducive for the appearance of a young messianic leader.  In fact not only were they conducive, but those conditions were brought on by careful planning and manipulation of the political, financial, and religious institutions.

But the most intriguing and ultimately the most dangerous is that this man is strangely characterized by a profound alignment found in one of the oldest religious traditions on the planet. More than 2500 years ago, a prince of the Jewish people foretold of a wicked leader who would seek to destroy the Jewish people and would desire to change the times and law. The literal reading actually says that he would,“…hope to change the times and law…” key wording of the 2008 Obama Hope & Change campaign platform.

The New Amerikan Paradigm

Barack Obama has a messiah complex.  This is not supposition but a well established pattern. And many people think that he is a messiah figure, particularly Black America.

The day after Barack Obama was elected president, Larry Younginer knelt in front of the congregants at his East Pointe suburban Atlanta congregation and offered a prayer of thanks:

“Lord, we have again come to you in prayer, and you have heard our cries from heaven, and you have sent us again from the state called Illinois, a man called Barack to heal our land…”We pray that you will build a hedge around him that will protect him from those who would do him harm.”

Younginer, like many others was convinced that Obama was destined to be president. The mere fact that he won the presidency against the odds has caused some Christians, particularly African-Americans, to see the hand of God in his victory after so many years of struggle.

Regarding the messianic credentials of Obama, Lawrence Carter, Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel said:

“It is powerful and significant on a spiritual level that there is the emergence of Barack Obama 40 years after the passing of Dr. King,” said Carter. “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger.”

“The Amateur,” a new book by Edward Klein’s quotes  David Axelrod, President Obama’s  former senior campaign adviser, as saying Barack Obama is the ‘Black Jesus’  because of his messiah complex:“[Barack Obama] is the living, breathing apotheosis of the American melting pot,” Klein quotes Axelrod as saying.

And the adoring mainstream bought and sold media loves to promote him as such. All during the 2008 presidential campaign, the media ramped up the messianic hype surrounding Barack Obama.

In June 2009, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas responded to Obama’s Cairo speech by telling Chris Matthews:

Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn’t felt that way in recent years. So Obama’s had, really, a different task We’re seen too often as the bad guys. And he – he has a very different job from – Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is ‘we are above that now.’ We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something – I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God…

The leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, referred to Barak Obama as “the messiah” before a crowd of Black Muslims:

“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

Chris Matthews of MSNBC puts the phenomenon of Obama on the scale of christian scripture, telling the NY Observer that “I’ve been following politics since I was about 5. I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising.”

According to Klein, Micah Tillman, lecturer in philosophy at the Catholic University of America, called Obama “the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for the past 2,400 years,” elevating him even above Jesus, the so-called christian Messiah.

And Oprah Winfrey has called him “The One.  In Des Moines, Iowa, during the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Winfrey said, “For the very first time in my life, I feel compelled to stand up and to speak out for the man who I believe has a new vision for America,” and told the audience of 15,000 said, “I am here to tell you, Iowa, he is the one. He is the one!”

A 2010 Newsweek cover depicted Obama as “god of all things” in a pose reminiscent of the Hindu deity Shiva.

In a 2008 article by Jake Tapper, in which he wrote:

It’s as if Tom Daschle descended from on high saying, “Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of Chicago a Savior, who is Barack the Democrat.”

The Obama/Hitler Cult of Personality

The hysteria surrounding Barak Obama’s rise to power have frightening parallels with Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Obama’s phenomenal ascension is unique in American politics. No American politician has made such an impression on Americans. He receives admiration and adoration from his admirers on an unprecedented level, reminiscent of worship but with a messianic flare. Obama effect on the unprecedented crowds who flock to his public speeches appear to be in an almost trance-like state.

Hitler’s charisma and oratory skills,  both inspired and elevated the masses. Hitler himself believed that he was anointed or chosen (a messiah) and his  destiny was to lead Germany to glory and institute a new social order for the world.

Obama seems to exude the confidence of an anointed one and the certainty of a true believer regarding his own greatness. When asked by an interviewer if he ever had doubts about his foreign policy experience, Obama replied, “Never.”

The Nazis party held rallies which created a religious tone. Hitler’s appearance was carefully crafted to give the impression of divine favor. His propaganda machine, projected Hitler as the messiah of the fatherland – Germany. An American who had visited Germany at the time of Hitler’s ascendance to power observed, “They think Hitler is God.”

Consider the election of both leaders. Both men were brought to power in an atmosphere of economic insecurity and instability. Just months before President Obama’s election, the mortgage and credit markets of the United States crashed.

Then Treasury Secretary Paulson then lied an told the country that we were on the edge of an “economic abyss.”  President George W. Bush made repeated media appearances suggesting we were in danger of finding ourselves in another Great Depression if we did not act quickly, another lie. Americans saw the Dow Jones Index lose over half its value and many people lost a significant portion of their savings.

The situation in the Weimar Republic of Germany was much the same. Hitler assumed power amid growing public disenchantment with the Versailles Peace Treaty whose provisions crippled the country with huge reparations payments, climbing debt, and skyrocketing inflation. The result was that millions of Germans lost their savings.

In 2007 America experienced the most serious recession since the Wall Street collapse of the 1929 which triggered the Great Depression. In a time of extreme economic chaos, each candidate offered his nation the promise of a return to economic normalcy.

Both Hitler and Obama appealed to their citizenry’s cry for political change. Each man symbolized hope for an idealized future. By the end of President Bush’s second term, a majority of the US population did not approve the manner in which the administration had handled the War in Iraq. Bush was viewed in negative terms around the world and the US had lost standing globally because of this perception.

Hitler’ candidacy was seen as an opportunity to correct the failed German experiment with democracy. The Weimar government was seen by most voters as weak. Successive chancellors had acquiesced to a series of humiliating international demands including a French occupation of the industrial Ruhr Valley, internationally imposed limits on the size of their military, and a schedule of reparations that would reach to the year 1987. In contrast, Hitler stood for reoccupying the Ruhr Valley, rescheduling the debt, defending German minorities living in other countries, rebuilding the army, and returning Germany to its “rightful place” among European powers. Candidate Obama promised responsible spending, an end to the war in Iraq, and an improved American image around the world.

Adoring media in each country celebrated each man as a saviour, a messianic leader. A sycophantic Bought and Sold Media described Mr. Obama as The One, a term initially used by Oprah Winfrey to identify the new American Messiah King.

Adolph Hitler was also portrayed as a German messiah, sent to lead his nation out of bondage. Both were hailed more as heaven sent redeemers and less like less politicians seeking the highest office in their respective countries and. The consensus in both countries immediately after the elections was a general feeling that everything would be “different”” under the new leader.

Both men were seen as young and energetic, and able to bring new ideas, a new vision for the country. Hitler’s campaign slogan was, “Everything must be different!” Obama claimed that he would “fundamentally transform” America.

Both leader’s created an added layer of bureaucrats, answerable only to them. In the U.S., President Obama appointed some three dozen “czars,” who were to oversee areas of governance previously under the supervision of cabinet secretaries and accountable only to Obama and outside the purview of Congress.

Chancellor Hitler as well created czar-like positions for political appointees who were responsible only to him. In fact, Hitler’s cabinet convened only once during his 12 years in power. In both governments, these czars were intentionally given overlapping and competing areas of responsibility. Constant bickering and turf battles were encouraged as this engendered a sense of reliance upon, and loyalty to, the chancellor or president as the final arbiter in these disputes.

Both regimes obsessed with healthcare, their shared commitment to the notion of public health at the expense of private wealth, their political and economic partnership with big business, their devotion to radical environmentalism, their desire to create a civilian army to serve the state, their fondness for large orchestrated events where adoring followers pledge themselves to their leader, their use of crises as a political tool, their willingness to demonize enemies and portray them as dangerous to the nation, their shared interest in animal rights, their obsessive focus on youth both as a tool of propaganda and as an audience for it, and finally their shared commitment to the use of informants.

Other notable similarities are:

Hitler promised to change the world, to create a new social order and to go after the allegedly wealthy Jews who he claimed were responsible for the suffering of the average German. Obama employs some of the same utopian us against them rhetoric when he talks about taxing the rich.

Hitler created a Gestapo, a national police force that would crack down on a dis-armed and defenceless population at will. In a speech he delivered at Colorado Springs on July 2, 2008, Obama called for a national police force. In that speech he said: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Hitler rose to power with the help of a small group of influential  disreputable men who shared his political outlook and worldview. This is a biblical characteristic outlined in the Book of Daniel which we shall develop later.

Obama changes the American Flag to the ancient symbol of Horus Sun worship as a campaign logo. Hitler changes the German Flag to the ancient symbol of Black Sun worship, the Swastika. Both leaders had been surrounded by numerous controversies concerning birth certificate, citizenship and religion. Obama’s real family identity and his name Soetoro gets buried by the Bought & Sold Media.

 Obama tries to conceal his Muslim Faith and Foreign Citizenship by manipulating his Birth Certificate. Hitler’s real family identity and his Jewish name Schickelgruber gets buried by the adoring media. Hitler tries to conceal his Jewish roots by entering Austria and chasing down his Birth Certificate.

Hitler established the Hitler Youth that sang songs of nationalism praising the Fuhrer. Obama has a chain gang Youth Group singing Alpha Omega blindly praising Barak Obama on Youtube.

Obama has George Soros and the Illuminati Kings (the Rothschilds) as financial backers. Prescott Bush (Union Bank) and the Rothschild’s were the financial backers of Hitlers regime.History shows that Hitler used voter fraud and poll manipulation to gain power. Minister Joseph Goebbels controlled  all News Media in Germany and the countries occupied by the Nazi regime. Obama has used voter fraud and poll manipulation which will be highlighted in a future chapter.

Hitler  was also responsible for the false flag burning of the Reichstag in 1933, an act which ended the German democracy and consolidated all power in the hands of Hitler and the Nazi Party. If we follow the pattern, Obama could initiate a false flag for the same results.  There are some very consistent reports that such a scenario is at least being discussed within the inner circle at the Department of Homeland Security, according to an inside source.  Is it credible?  Thats anyones guess, but we should not rule it out.

Who is this Man?

All this spoken of a man, who came out of no where, who has spent 5 million dollars in legal fees to hide his personal records.

America has a right to know who it is who has taken control of our nation, including his personal background, his legal records, his school records and any record which gives us insight into what his motivations are and where his loyalties lie.

We don’t care what the pundits say and we don’t care what Oprah Winfrey has to say.  We want proof.   Who is this man who has his finger on the nuclear trigger and occupies the most powerful office in the world?

We are living in trying times. Times which test the convictions people adhere to.  We are living in an era which is being fundamentally transformed.  The Globalist Agenda has accelerated in recent years and particularly in the last four years. They are determined to create a Global Government.

The Christian prophetic tradition which has dominated the media in the West has portrayed the end time despot who they call Anti-Christ as a person who is imbued with immense political power who is basically the devil’s imp.   This person is all-powerful and only God can destroy him. While this popular view is prevalent it lacks biblical support.  The book of Daniel, the pre-eminent biblical text on the End of Days, portrays this person not as an all-potent tyrant but as a figure-head, a puppet in the control of a small group of powerful puppet-masters.

The prophetic book of Daniel clearly states that this end-time despot comes to power through the workings of a small but extremely powerful elite:

“And in the latter times…when transgressors have completed their transgression, there shall stand up a king of fierce countenance, understanding stratagems. And his power shall be mighty, but not of his own power…”

“And after the league made with him shall work deceitfully; and he shall come up and be strong with the help of a small group.”

Daniel clearly is showing that the one that Christianity calls Anti-Christ is under the control of a powerful cabal of powerful and influential people.  This group we believe is known by many monikers: The New World Order, the Money Trust, the Money Power, The Illuminati and so on.  We believe Christian (and Islamic) ideology and theology has obscured the landscape to what is actually taking place.

We shall also show that the United States was overthrown from it’s inception by the forces of what is now known as the Illuminati and most of it’s presidents are connected by bloodline to one another or are agents of this powerful cabal.  With this said it is very likely that Barak Hussien Obama is part of those blood lines.  He most definitely is an agent of theirs as our evidence will show.

Many religious traditions speak of a man who would take power in the last days.  A man of low moral character, a tyrant unfit for the office which he holds.  The prophet Daniel calls him the Contemptible King.  He bears a striking affinity to Barak Obama.

The Changing Political Climate & the Prophetic Paradigm Shift

Most people in my country are busy about preparing for the seasons holidays.  Many are oblivious to the changing political climate that is ramping up to the coming of the prophesied world order that the power elite is trying to set in place.  That NEW WORLD ORDER is pulling out the stops to realize their dream that will make the human race slaves to their own twisted ideas of what human society should be.  It is no mere happenstance that Barak Hussein Obama was ‘elected’ as the President of the USA.  It also was no mere happenstance that he set in motion the de-construction of the traditional American way of life through his ‘shock’ troops that he has put in place throughout the government and civilian organizations.

There are those fools today who would claim that the lifeblood of a nation is dependent upon the goodwill of its government and that the government is the focal point of cultural growth. While there may be a little truth in this, the reality is far from this ideal.  Governments rarely exemplify the spirit of the common folk.  Instead, bureaucracies almost inevitably degenerate into vehicles for the perpetuation of tyranny and the subjugation of human beings, and are driven by the very worst of all stewards; elitist minorities with delusions of godhood. Men such as BARAK OBAMA.  Men and Women such as the US CONGRESS.

But Where Tyrants Tread, the Godless Dwell.

On December 1st 2011,  in the midst of allegations of police brutality and police aggression at the Occupy Wall Street protests, the Senate — hopelessly out of touch with reality — approved 93 to 7, the passage of the NDAA (BILLS-112s1867pcs) which contains a number of alarming provisions — (Sections 1031 and 1032), designed to make mandatory the indefinite military detention of terror suspects until the end of hostilities in a “war on terror” that has no end –  ending a long and entirely appropriate tradition of trying terror suspects in federal court for their alleged crimes.  Sections 1033 and 1034, which seek to prevent the closure of Guantanamo by imposing  restrictions on the release of prisoners, and banning the use of funds to purchase an alternative prison anywhere else.

All Hail the American Police State

S. 1867 – the NDAA, supported by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)  and written by Senators John McCain and Carl Levin, declares American soil a battlefield and allows the President and all future Chief Executives to order the military to arrest and detain American citizens, innocent or not, without charge or trial.  According to, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA will:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice

In a live stream, Rand Paul addressed the American people, asserting the dangerous nature of the NDAA. See his YouTube video here


The Biblically Prophesied Global Government.

The foundation is already set for the World Government that many people believe is prophesied in the TANAKH and in other writings such as the Koran and the New Testament.  Will they take the next step and finalize Police State? Will the American Military Machine turn their weapons on Americans when ordered to do so?

We are seeing unprecedented power grabs by political leaders. The changing of governments in the middle east is right on par with prophecy.  The whole Middle East has become enemies against Israel.  Even Egypt and Turkey which were long time allies have taken lead roles against Israel.  The recent Egyptian elections have given a majority to the Muslim Brotherhood and will effectively end the peace treaty between the two nations that has been in place for more than 30 years. It would be hard to overstate what a disaster the Egyptian elections are becoming. There are some reports stating the Muslim Brotherhood may be getting over 50 percent of the vote.  NOUR, Another Islamist party with extremist ties  is apparently getting between 10 and 15 percent.

The financial markets are teetering and ready to collapse.  The Arab Spring has now turned to a Jihadist Muslim Winter.  NATO is preparing for war with Bashar in Syria and  with a possible nuclear armed Iran.  Israel will most likely have to take unilateral action against the Iranian nuclear threat which will ignite the Middle East in a ‘holy’ war against Israel, something both Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood has been clamoring for.  Turkey will not sit idly by and will most likely participate in a war against Israel and possibly the West, hoping to consolidate a role a the regional Muslim power.


It is becoming more and more clear that 2012 will be a year with a potential for widespread change, be it destructive or evolutionary.  Will we see the creation of the One World Order?  Will we see the re-establishment of the Islamic khalifa?

For Americans we must assume the worst about our government and prepare for the war that is coming.   We must arm ourselves not only to defend ourselves physically but also arm our selves mentally, emotionally and most important of all – to arm ourselves spiritual tools to fight the overwhelming darkness that seeks to enslave our planet.

As the old adage states, it is darkest before the dawn.   We must be part of the fight to free ourselves from tyranny.  All human governments and institutions are failing us. As the last Jewish exile , the Edomite Exile, is coming to a close the darkness of our times is almost suffocating.   Our hope in HaShem’s promise of Redemption seems far off but in reality it is but a moment in time away.  The King Messiah, the one who will lead us out of the darkness, is closer than we realize.

We are at a pivotal moment in the evolution of human society