America’s Transformation

I have been on quite a long period of rest and reflection and I have not written much in the last several months. My apologies. The events of the last year both in the world and in my own life have been monumental to say the least. Regarding Presidential politics, one prominent lawmaker in Washington D.C believes that the ‘wheels are coming off’ in regards to the Obama regime which is beset with crisis after crisis both domestic and foreign policy decisions.  We have a catastrophic humanitarian crisis at our southern border, where thousands of immigrants from South America and Mexico are streaming to the border of Texas and Arizona and being used politically to try to change the demographics of Texas. Border Patrols are unable to focus on illegal border crossings because of the tens of thousands of children which have been transported to our borders by ‘coyotes’ and other groups for political reasons , monetary compensation or drug trafficking. Border Patrol agents are reporting that some of these immigrants are infected with tuberculosis.

I am watching my beloved America being transformed into a tyrannical despotic wasteland by a man who has no legitimate right to govern, and holds evil intent against people like me. As two important Jewish researchers identified in his 2008 campaign – Obama is the evil of our time. One of the closest aides to Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, believes that America is the Antichrist power. Alexander Dugin, known as ‘Putin’s Brain’ believes that the U.S.-led New World Order is the “kingdom of the Antichrist”

Dugin  envisions an inevitable conflict between Eurasia (dominated by Russia) and the Atlanticist New World Order of the western world during which the forces of global liberal hegemony will be defeated.  In simpler terms, he is fundamentally convinced that someday there will be a major war between Russia and the United States which Russia will win.

Dugin is a professor at the top university in Russia and a very influential writer.  Dugin’s writing about Eurasia was making waves long before Putin took office or ever came up with the idea for a “Eurasian Union“. Much of what Putin is promoting now had its genesis in the work of Alexander Dugin. This certainly goes a long way in explaining Putins push to regain the Ukraine, which is a critical piece in the Eurasian Union.

While I agree congressman Boehner’s remark that the ‘wheels are coming off’ – it is the wheels of America which are coming off. Obama is not inept as some are suggesting. He is implementing that ‘fundamental change’ not just here in America but in the Middle East as well. Few understand that the ISIS terrorist group taking over large segments of Iraq, including some important oil fields, was trained by the  US military in military tactics, while they were allies against the Assad regime in the Syrian civil war. Aaron Klein, a reporter for -did a news story in 2012 reporting that ISIS was secretly trained in 2012 by the US in Jordan,  a story which has been corroborated by Reuters, the UK Guardian and a German news source.

Now these well trained al-Qaeda rejects are creating  conditions ripe for the rise of an Islamic Sharia Caliphate smack dab in the center of the Middle East. ISIS now is in possession of large amounts of finances due to the sacking of an Iraqi bank in Mosul which yielded ISIS over 500 million dollars in operating revenues and the capture of Iraqi oil fields. This will not bode well for either Israel, the American people, or for the people of the Middle East.

Here in America we are confronted with pathetic leadership to stand up to the criminal enterprises of the Obama regime’ which continues to break American laws at will and targeting those would oppose them. IRS scandals, NSA wiretapping of ordinary citizens, gun running to Mexican drug cartels, rampant illegal immigration, souring gas and food prices.

Americans for the most part do not trust their government. The current administration is a group of pathological liars a opportunists. recently the arrogant IRS commissioner stonewalled a congressional investigation and lied under oath about the emails of Lois Lerner and her subordinates, which now have experienced a hard drive failure after promising those emails for several months. Obama Care is a monumental lie. Our politicians care not for the will of the American people but are sold out to other interests and under the thumb of the real power brokers who hide in the shadows. The Sages of Israel foretold that the leaders of the nations in the LAST DAYS would worthless scoundrels who had no right to govern ( my paraphrase).

Luckily, unlike most countries, American citizens are heavily armed and some of us are unwilling to let the tyranny of big government roll right over us. Many of us have been preparing for years. I myself moved my family to an area which not only provided me more financial opportunities but one which I am able to be more independent – raising farm animals, growing crops, ect…, That however will not keep the government storm troopers from breaking down our doors when it suits them.

There is a war a brewing and American citizens are now considered a threat against the Obama Amerikan Occupation Government which is rapidly creating that New World Order spoken of in the Book of Daniel.

The Day is Later Than You Think



Palestinian Legislative Council: Heralding the Islamic Caliphate

The following is research published today from MEMRI’s Special Dispatch Series and the MEMRI TV Project.

Special Dispatch No. 3770—Palestinians

In an interview with the Qatari daily Al-Raya, Ahmad Bahr, deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and a senior official in Hamas, said that the 2008-2009 war Proposed State of Philistinein Gaza had been one of the causes of the revolutions in the Arab world. He added that these revolutions, against dictatorships that the West had installed in the Arab countries in order to plunder their resources, heralded the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate. He also said that the opening of the Rafah border crossing and the lifting of the siege on Gaza inthe wake of the Egyptian revolution would strengthen the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and stressed that Hamas hopes to achieve a reconciliation agreement with Fatah that will be “far removed from” the Oslo Accords and the security coordination with Israel.

To read the full report, visit MEMRI

The Coming Sunni/Shia War – Prelude to Gog Magog

Why is the United States sending F16s and an arms deal worth 60 BILLION to Saudi Arabia?

There are a number of indicators that there is a war brewing between the Sunni’s led by the Saudi’s, and the Shia’s, led by Iran.  This war, believe it or not began over 1350 years ago when the Prophet of the new religion of Islam was assassinated.  ISLAM’S SCHISM BEGAN IN A.D. 632, immediately after the Prophet Muhammad died without naming a successor as leader of the new Muslim flock. Some of his followers believed the role of Caliph, or viceroy of God, should be passed down Muhammad’s bloodline, starting with his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib. But the majority backed the Prophet’s friend Abu Bakr, who duly became Caliph. Ali would eventually become the fourth Caliph before being murdered in A.D. 661 by a heretic near Kufa, now in Iraq. The succession was once again disputed, and this time it led to a formal split. The majority backed the claim of Mu’awiyah, Governor of Syria, and his son Yazid. Ali’s supporters, who would eventually be known collectively as Shi’at Ali, or partisans of Ali, agitated for his son Hussein. When the two sides met on a battlefield near modern Karbala on Oct. 10, 680, Hussein was killed and decapitated. But rather than nipping the Shi’ite movement in the bud, his death gave it a martyr. In Shi’ite eyes, Hussein is a just and humane figure who stood up to a mighty oppressor. The annual mourning of Hussein’s death, known as Ashura, is the most poignant and spectacular of Shi’ite ceremonies: the faithful march in the streets, beating their chests and crying in sorrow. The extremely devout flagellate themselves with swords and whips.

Sunni Shia DemographicsThose loyal to Mu’awiyah and his successors as Caliph would eventually be known as Sunnis, meaning followers of the Sunnah, or Way, of the Prophet. Since the Caliph was often the political head of the Islāmic empire as well as its religious leader, imperial patronage helped make Sunni Islam the dominant sect.  Today about 90% of Muslims worldwide are Sunnis. But Shi’ism would always attract some of those who felt oppressed by the empire. Shi’ites continued to venerate the Imams, or the descendants of the Prophet, until the 12th Imam,
Mohammed al-Mahdi (the Guided One), who disappeared in the 9th century at the location of the Samarra shrine in Iraq. Mainstream Shi’ites believe that al-Mahdi is mystically hidden and will emerge on an unspecified date to usher in a reign of justice.

The occupation of Bahrain by 2,000 Saudi-led Gulf troops in mid-March

was just the latest manifestation of the largely unknown Sunni-Shiite conflict taking place across the Islāmic world. Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran are locked in a struggle for supremacy among the Muslim faithful from Nigeria to Malaysia where Shiism is basically banned.  While relations between Islam’s two largest sects are generally good in most Islāmic countries, Saudi Arabia’s Wahabi Doctrine has a “virulent hatred” for Shiites and Saudi schools teach that Shiites are not real Muslims.  The accord reached between Saudi King Abdullah and the Bahraini monarch Hamas bin Isa Al Khalifa for the oil island’s virtual annexation by Riyadh has so incensed Tehran that armed Iranian-Saudi clashes with the potential for all-out warfare may soon become unavoidable Iranian and Gulf sources estimate. Shiite-ruled Iraq would back Tehran in the first Shiite-Sunni collision to be sparked by the wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world – in contrast to the domestic discord raging in Libya and Yemen.  Saudi Arabia decided to intervene in Bahrain after the island nation’s security forces appeared unable to handle the ongoing protests from the Shiite majority who make up 70 per cent of the country’s 500,000 population. A further 200,000 people live in Bahrain but are not citizens. The Al-Khalifas have ruled Bahrain for nearly two centuries mostly under the British protectorate.  The kingdom’s ruler, King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, is a Sunni Muslim as is the country’s ruling élite. While technically a constitutional monarchy, the Bahraini parliament’s power is limited in favour of the king, the country’s real power broker.

While the Islāmic world is predominantly of the Sunni sect, the Muslims who live in the Middle East, and particularly those in the Persian Gulf region, are often Shiite. Globally, the Shia account for an estimated 10 or 15 percent of the Muslim population, but in the Middle East their numbers are much higher: they dominate the population of Iran, compose a majority in Iraq, and are significant minorities in other nations, including Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Syria. Outside of the region, Shia generally constitute only tiny minorities in other Muslim countries, including Algeria, Sudan, and Egypt in Northern Africa.With the exception of Syria and Iran, the other governments are Sunni led and controlled.

The unrest within the Middle East of the last few months reveals a startling truth that the world is ridiculously unaware of.  While the western governments and media are chalking up the unrest in the Middle Eastern countries as protests for democracy and calls to end the corruption within the regimes of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya, Syria and Iran. Iran of course is 100% Shiite and under the control of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khameni and the Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Syria is controlled by the Assad family which has ruled Syria for 41 years comes from the Alawite mountains overlooking the Mediterranean, a stronghold of the secretive Alawite sect with links to Shi’ite Islam.  The protesters within these countries are predominately Shia Muslims and intelligence sources suggest that Iran has been channeling money and resources to groups which are instigating much of the protests.  Iran, once the old Persian Empire that invented Chess and Trigonometry and ruled a vast empire from the borders of India to the Mediterranean, would no doubt love to regain the power and prestige it once commanded.  The Shia protests have literally surrounded Saudi Arabia, protector and steward of Mecca.  In the 1980’s Saudi Arabia funded Iraq in the 8 year war between Iraq and Iran, where over 500,000 Iranian Shia’s were killed.   Iran’s strategy is simple.  By taking control of Saudi Arabia, Iran can kill two birds with one stone.  Not only will Iran be in possession of the Kingdom’s oil rich resources, including the Strait of Hormuz, which 17 million barrels of oil pass through each day, but they will have control of Islam’s holiest sites as well.

ABC News says Yemen is a near-perfect haven for terrorists

Two Oil ChokepointsIran is also supporting the Shia revolt in Yemen, home of Hassan Nasrallah,  Hezbollah’s leader,  according to one Yemeni General.  Recently, the Pentagon tripled its budget on Yemen.   The US State Dept. called the situation in Yemen, “a threat to global stability.”  If you look at a map of region there is a narrow passageway or strait that connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aiden. This 20 mile wide narrow water way, is called Bab El Mandeb or the Gate of Tears.  Yemen strategically controls the Strait of Tears. This waterway carries approx. 3.3 million barrels of oil per day (2006), pass through here. And tactically, Iran can control the operations of the Middle East oil fields due to the 2 million Shia muslims who work in them daily.

Recently both the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia spent over 25 billion dollars on new weapon systems in preparation for the coming war.  The US has approved a 60 billion dollar weapons deal and sent F-16’s to the area.  The US cannot afford to have Iran in control of 66% of the world’s oil and is sending troops and warships into the region.  Of course we should note that President Obama is a Sunni Muslim and is  taking sides with his Sunni brothers, those dictators that the poor masses of Shia are revolting against.  The situation is set up, if Iran comes out on top, to create a Shia Caliphate, which would then propel Iran into “Super-power” status.  It may prove to be that Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons may first be used not to destroy Israel but to threaten Saudi Arabia.

The Gog Magog War

The way the current geo-political situation is coming about certainly hints of the Gog uMagog Wars mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 38.   The cast of characters certainly strike me as being very similar.  The coalition of the nations in this chapter is consistent with todays pre-Caliphate build-up.  Persia (Iran), Put (Libya), and Cush are first mention as part of the Gog coalition.  “Cush” was a nation listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10:6 and the name of a kingdom during biblical
times. According to archeologists, the kingdom of Cush or Kush was located in modern day Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt; approximately spanning from Aswan, Egypt to Khartoum, Sudan-Sudan’s capital.

Verse 6 adds Gomer and Beth-Togarmah to the coalition. “Gomer” was the first son of Japheth. The Gomerites were the ancient Cimmerians, expelled in 700 BC from the southern steppes of Russia into what is today Turkey. “Togarmah” is the 3rd son of Gomer and beth at the beginning of the name is the Hebrew word for ‘house’ or ‘place of’. In Ezekiel’s time there was a city in Cappodocia (Modern Turkey) known as Tegarma, Tagarma, Til-garimmu, and Takarama. The possibility that four of the names mentioned in Ezekiel are now in Turkey makes a pretty strong argument for Turkey being a part of the invasion of Israel. Current circumstances in that country also lend this view some credibility.  Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, Turkey has gained inroads into Central Asia (Magog). It is also linked to Central Asia both ethnically and linguistically, and has a growing number of political parties that support opposition to Israel, establishment of a Turkish Islāmic Republic, and the worldwide rule of Islam.  Meshech and Tuval may also be linked to the Turkish peoples.  Just last month the Islāmic Republic of Iran sent a battle group to Turkey for military manoevers.  Turkey, once a moderate Islāmic country, is becoming more and more radicalized in recent years.

Ezekiel 38:13 lists Sheba and Dedan.  Sheba according to most biblical scholars is Arabia Felix or Yemen and was once one of the most fertile regions of Arabia.  Ancient Dedan is known as Al Ula today. In the ruins of the old city there are inscriptions that show the Dedanites were preceded by a Minean settlement. The Mineans established a center at this desert oasis to protect the incense trade. Dedan is situated between Medina and Tabuk in central Saudi Arabia. It was one of the largest and most important centers of civilization in ancient Arabia.

Israeli WarriorThis coalition attacks Israel at some point in the future, but is destroyed by HaShem on the mountains of Israel, a reference to the biblical heartland of Shomron or Samaria, which is currently called the occupied territory by the PA and Arabs.  It could very well be the case that the invasion will be over the land of Samaria, which is the inheritance of the 10 Tribes not the Palestinians.  The 10 Tribes are prophesied to return in the Final Redemption.  This event will no doubt cause a huge flap with the Muslim hordes.  It will be war.