The Jews of Montana

The world is in conflict and chaos. Racial tensions are soaring in American cities and our government appears poised to lock down America with Jade Helm.  Bad News.

The good news is that HaShem (literally “The Name”), the epithet Jews use for God, is working in the world to bring about redemption for his people. In the last 20 years or so, the Spirit of Holiness has open up the hearts and minds of numerous people and people groups. In the Last generation we have seen the restoration of the nation of Israel and millions of scattered tribes of Israel return to their ancient homeland. Jews from the House of Judah and various persons and groups from both the House of Judah and the House of Israel have been awakened in these Last Days to who they are. It has happen to many people I know including my own family.  God is working in the world amid the death, destruction and evil that is all to commonplace. The following article is from regarding the Jews of Montana.

The Hidden Jews of Montana

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